
Business/ trade fair/ exhibitor visa

Passeports avec différents visas

Visas, © Colourbox


In order to speed up the procedure at the visa counter, you are kindly requested to present the documents exactly in the order as indicated in our document guide.

1. Please bring your current passport + previous passports

passport needs to be valid for three months after the expiry of the applied visa;

please provide a police report in Urdu with an English translation/in English if a previous passport is lost

2. Visa application form
Fill out on the Videx online application system, then printout and sign.
3. Two (2) biometrical Passport Photos

Example of Passport Photos

2 biometrical passport photos, not older than 6 months;

1 photo should be stapled on the application form and 1 photo attached with a paper clip

4. Valid travel health insurance policy

List of Health Insurance Companies

the original has to be signed if applicable; please provide the original and submit one copy;

please make sure that your insurance explicitly covers all Schengen States and not only Germany;

coverage minimum is 30,000 Euro

5. Signed health insurance declaration
Download here
6. Invitation letter/hotel booking/exhibition entry

Invitation (not older than 3 months) on company/organization letterhead detailing identity of person invited (name, position), purpose of visit (e.g. meetings, conference, factory visits);

  • dates and itinerary;
  • commercial register extract (Handels-registerauszug) of inviting company; authorization of the undersigned to authorize the Germany invitation and passport copy

Documentation as exhibitors:

  • copies of space confirmation, space invoice and proof of payment to the fair organizer (required even if applied through TDAP);
  • proof of hotel booking

Documentation as visitors:

  • Visitor entrance ticket for the trade fair to be visited in Germany (if advance purchase of ticket is not possible, please provide the confirmation by the fair organizer that the visitor ticket will be available only upon arrival at the trade fair grounds)
  • proof of hotel booking
7. Flight reservation of air ticket
return or round trip for max. 90 days from/to Pakistan and the member states of destination
8. Covering letter / letter of business references
NOC must be issued by your Covering letter must be issued by your company/employer; stating your designation/position; stating how long you have been working with this company; stating the purpose of the trip and specify whether the sending company will cover the travel expenses and accommodation
9. Letter of recommendation/certificate
issued by a Chamber of Commerce & Industry (if applicable); please submit the original and 1 copy
10. Passport copy of page 1 and 2
11. Copy of all refusals (if any)
12. ID card copy (CNIC) A4 size

13. FRC (Family Registration Certificate issued in English by NADRA),

Marriage Certificate (if applicable),

Birth Certificate for minor applicants

14. Complete list of children
Download here
15. Complete list of relatives living abroad
Download here
16. Security declaration
Download here
17. Appointment email
print out of the appointment e-mail should show the e-mail-address you have registered with for the appointment
18. Copy of all previous visas (Schengen/US/UK visas)
19. Personal bank statements of the past 6 months

Personal bank statements have to be duly signed and stamped by the bank;

proof of real property (if any)

20. Salary slips of the last 3 months / pension book
21. Company bank statements of the past 6 months
bank statements have to be duly signed and stamped by the bank
22. Federal Board of Revenue acknowledgement of tax returns
Please submit FBR acknowledgement of tax returns for the last two fiscal years before the application date
23. Bill of lading of the last few shipments to Germany/Europe

Please note:

  • Visa fee:

    90 Euros (payable in PKR), 45 Euros (payable in PKR) for children between 6-12 years of age; no other charges except the visa fee is applicable; the visa fee will NOT be reimbursed if the visa is refused, regardless the reasons for the refusal.

  • Processing time is 15 calendar days minimum
  • Please appear on time and provide all required documents in the above mentioned order to save yourself, the officers at the counters and all of the other applicants time; the Embassy does NOT offer a copy service;
  • Please be informed that incomplete applications are more likely to be rejected! Applications will only be accepted and processed after the submission of all required documents.

  • The application form has to be filled out by typewriter/online (see website) and completely.

  • All applicants have to appear personally, unless they belong to the following category:

    whose biometric data had been taken for a Schengen visa application during the last 59 months
    - are exempted from a personal appearance at the visa section.
    - They can send a person of trust with their application form and the required documents. (An authority letter, signed by the applicant, mentioning the full name and CNIC number of messenger who will be submitting the case on his/her behalf, and full name & passport number of the respective applicant is needed.)

  • Companies should send their employees in a group to apply for a visa.
  • Visa applications can be submitted weeks ahead of travel date but not earlier than

    6 months before the traveling date. Dates of validity on the visa sticker will be according to the dates as per application, reservations and travel health insurance.

  • Spouses (not involved in the business) accompanying their partners on a business trip/to a fair have to fulfill the requirements as for a Tourist.
  • Original passports can be withdrawn after submission of application for travels into countries other than Schengen States during the processing time; please provide relevant proof of the travel (flight booking); please be also aware that the application will be on-hold until the passport will be resubmitted;

  • Visa applications of minors need to be signed by both parents/need to include the written consent of their parents/custodians (in case of guardianship please provide a current court order of custody and letter of consent of the biological parents if applicable); if one parent is deceased please provide a death certificate; if parents are divorced please provide a court order regarding child´s custody; parents/guardians who sign applications of minors need to provide their passport/CNIC copies with data and signature page; letter of school confirming current enrolment and approval of leave

  • Supplementary information or evidence may be requested in each individual case.

  • Adult applicants: passports need to be signed.

  • All photocopies should be A4 size (especially CNIC copies); copies should be readable.

  • The visa application form needs to be signed otherwise it is not a valid application.
  • Please be aware that documents in Urdu without English translation cannot be accepted.

  • Applicants are kindly asked to note that compliance with the aforementioned conditions does not automatically guarantee that a visa will be issued.

  • Even with a valid visa, the competent German border authorities may refuse entry into the territory of Germany. In such cases, the Government of Germany accepts no liability.

    Thank you for your understanding!

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