
Bonn Climate Week and UNFCCC - Visa

Teilnehmerinnen am Female Leadership Event am Gender Tag der 29. Weltklimakonferenz

Teilnehmerinnen am Female Leadership Event am Gender Tag der 29. Weltklimakonferenz, © photothek

17.03.2025 - Article

The 67th session of the subsidiary bodies of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will take place during the Bonn Climate Week from 16 to 24 June 2025.

Visa appointments via the Embassy's waiting list

Conference Appointment
Register on the waiting list under “conferences”, naming UNFCCC © Auswärtiges Amt

You can register on the Schengen Waiting List of the German Embassy Islamabad for an appointment to travel to the UNFCCC meetings / the Bonn Climate Week.

Please note that appointments can be allocated on short notice. Therefore, only register for an appointment once you have all supporting documents for your visa application ready. Incomplete applications or applications that are not to travel to the UNFCCC meetings / the Bonn Climate Week will not be processed.

Required documents

Please follow the document guidance for business visa. As an invitation letter, please bring your UNFCCC accreditation letter. If you are not an accredited participant, please provide a letter from your inviting organisation showing that you are required to attend meetings or activities that are relevant to UNFCCC / the Bonn Climate Week.

Details on required documents

In order to speed up the procedure at the visa counter, you are kindly requested to present the documents exactly in the order as indicated in our document guide. 1. Please bring your current…

Business visa

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